
Sunday, 17 March 2013

Recording my Progress

I thought it was about time that I recorded my progress to get an idea if I have progressed. The great thing about recording is it will show to me exactly what is happening rather than my feelings of how the practice is going.
So I decided to use my iPhone to record my progress and then record each week at the same time to see if there has been any improvement. Being a poor PC owner I need to use some software to edit the MOV file that the iPhone would record in. I used “Wondershare Video Editor” to do this job. The software works very well and enabled me to upload this to You Tube.
For my first recording I tried to keep it to some sort of structure, so I started off with the cord of E minor. I then try to do the cord of A. This then goes into the first exercise I was set of going from E minor to A and I think you will agree I don’t do it very well at all. I then go onto the cord of G with varied degrees of success. This is followed by the cord of D with I do have trouble with. I then put this all together going from E to G to D to A in the exercise that’s suppose to sound like the Green Day song. I then attempt a C cord followed by the near on impossible F major 7. I then attempt what I have been shown of “Half the World Away” which needs loads of practice still. I finally finish with two riffs that I have been shown which are Creams “Sunshine of your love” and “The Simpsons” tune.

I am hoping that with more practice these videos will get much better and maybe then I will show my face. At the moment it would just be me grimacing with the pain I am putting my poor guitar through.

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