
Sunday, 17 February 2013

Lesson Five 5th February 2013

I had been practicing my cords and other tasks a bit. Now I don’t think I have cracked it yet but there seems to be less howls from the local dogs down my street.

The lesson started with cords I think they are sounding better but I still need to have a few goes to get something that sounds like it is the cord. There is some improvement though and it would appear that the G cord from this time last week was just a fluke.

The rhythm exercise I have improved on but there is still a pause every now and again which I need to sort out.
The exercise of changing from one cord to the next while in a rhythm still sounds bad and even though I tried my best it don’t sound anything like a tune.

I then got another new exercise to try. Going on the same as the last change cord in rhythm task. I have to play the cord A with two down strokes, then slide my third finger down a fret and do a up stroke , then D cord with two down strokes then all fingers off and up stroke, then the A cord again. I was all over the place with this and can see it will take me a long while to get this right.

I finished my lesson off going through the TAB exercise. I could get the right notes but it was not in time at all and needed to be much more crisper. More embarrassing is the fact that my nine year old son can play it better on his ukulele and he has only worked out how to do it from watching me.

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